** We are currently seeking participants for this study. Click here to see if you are eligible. **
This mixed-methods study seeks to investigate how YA cancer survivors may shape their identity as a “cancer survivor” following cancer, and whether emotions such as shame, pride, embarrassment or guilt about the aftereffects of cancer affect their functioning in social relationships. Further, it aims to investigate how thoughts and emotions about one’s future (future-oriented thought and emotion) may contribute to feelings of social isolation.
Phase 1 will provide in-depth understanding of YA survivors’ emotions and thoughts related to their future, examine differences between symptoms of anxiety and changes in future-oriented thoughts, and characterize the relationship between anxiety about health and social isolation.
Whether you are interested in the lab as a volunteer, an honors student, or a prospective graduate student, we are pleased that you have chosen the Psycho-Oncology lab for your experience.
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